Week 2 Studio B: Site visit: Identifying elements and details and communicating these with labelled photos and drawings of the site

Lines - Wooden planks linearly cladded to metal structure underneath

Shapes - Shapes of different leaves. They take on a different form as they shrivel.

Direction - The aerial roots hanging down in a linear way

Scale - The scale of the plants vary from groundcover, shrubs, palms, creepers and mature trees with canopies

Texture - The wood shows its natural texture even after being processed into a plank

Colour - The colour of the leaves vary under different exposures of sunlight

Balance -
balance in the space between each trees. Balance in the linear elements, vertically

Proximity - From the point where the photo is taken, to the concrete sphere to the people sitting on the lawn, to the orange cones, and to the staircases. These distances exhibit proximity.

Alignment - the scoring on the wall are in linear agreement

Repetition - The same type of bricks repeatedly being laid next to and above each other

Contrast - Contrast between hardscape and softscape. The creepers covering the wall and the exposed brick wall

Space -  different volumes of spaces. Wide road, elevated walkway and bicycle parking at a corner

Void - the space that acts as the corridor sits within a void

Facade - the balcony and screening serves as the facade of the building

Foci - The block acts as a foci or focal point as it is the tallest part of the building. It also has a featured ornamental clock.The pathway also leads to the building itself, highlighting its significance.

Bitumen - the material used to construct roads and pathways


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